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AMRB-1980SS.1 * 1.980" Bearing Buddy Boat Trailer Wheel Bearing Protectors

Marine Chandlery

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AMRB-1980SS.1 * 1.980″ Bearing Buddy Boat Trailer Wheel Bearing Protectors


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Bearing Buddies replace the dust cap in the axle hub, which is filled with grease through the Bearing Buddy. When the wheels are submerged, pressure from the spring-loaded piston keeps the water out! •Prevents wheel bearing failure
•Keeps water and dirt out of hubs and bearings
•Eliminates the need for bearing re-packing
•Stainless steel barrel and components provide maximum corrosion protection
•100% inspected, quality construction
•Automatic pressure control feature prevents hub seal damage
•Easy installation – instructions included
HOW TO SELECT THE RIGHT MODEL Pick a genuine Bearing Buddy® to match your hub bore. To convert a model number to the hub bore in inches (or dust cap diameter), simply place a decimal point after the first digit in the model number. Model #1980, for example, fits a 1.980″ bore hole diameter. •Sold in Pairs


  • Bearing Buddies replace the dust cap in the axle hub, which is filled with grease through the Bearing Buddy. When the wheels are submerged, pressure from the spring-loaded piston keeps the water out!
  • •Easy installation – instructions included HOW TO SELECT THE RIGHT MODEL Pick a genuine Bearing Buddy® to match your hub bore. To convert a model number to the hub bore in inches (or dust cap diameter), simply place a decimal point after the first digit in the model number. Model #1980, for example, fits a 1.980″ bore hole diameter.
  • •Prevents wheel bearing failure •Keeps water and dirt out of hubs and bearings •Eliminates the need for bearing re-packing
  • •Stainless steel barrel and components provide maximum corrosion protection •100% inspected, quality construction •Automatic pressure control feature prevents hub seal damage. Sold in Pairs
  • For all your Trailer Parts and Boat Accessories click on “Available from these sellers” then click on AccessoriZ My Ride


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